Me and electronics
My interest in electronics began when I was finishing high school, bought some magazines, did some light assemblies as rhythm, sound effects circuits, alarms etc.. And so I kept the electronics as a hobby, until lack of time to be working, resources and difficulty in finding material for the assemblies (the problem is worse in my town today), I ended up leaving this hobby inert for many years, in 2000 while going through some magazines, interest emerged furiously, and now I'm trying to recover all this time, researching and reading everything I can about it.
Mounts some designs found on the internet, usually with some modifications due to available materials, etc. desired use.
Simplified version of Engineer's Assistant made in the AN689 Microchip. The author of the project has achieved the feat to put several tools in a single PIC16F84, occupying 1023 bytes of 1024 available. In my mount I delete all part of the circuit for the use and charging of rechargeable batteries while not changing the original program from which much of this was intended to control. As the Application Notes only presents the scheme and program listing source, here you find the site with the full project. My PCB version , Place of components
Frequencímeter 50 MHz using PIC16F84 Original design .......................( excuse me, but the source do not has the author's name, and the link I have is no longer valid, as soon as possible to complete this information) As we only had a 2-line LCD display for 16 characters, adapted the program for it, include the word Frequency Meter on the line over and design a compatible card. My version : PCB , PCB w/ components, 50MHz.ASM Note: The board has several holes in the locations of trimpots to allow others to use different models. |
Willem Programer Project by Willem Kloosterhuis Excellent programer, record memories EPROM, EEPROM, SEPROM, PIC's, Atmel etc etc. etc.. There are several versions of the PCB layout made by others, including a forum about this programer into site www.willem.org ,worth a visit
My board to PICs of 28 and 40 pins, PCB, instructions |
PPWin Programer to PIC's simple, inexpensive Project by Steven Willis My board for PICs of 28 and 40 pins, PCB, instructions |
PROPIC 2 Version with improved source Vpp and simple side board Projeto original com esquema, layout etc. aqui |
Project of residential alarm. Author and contributor: Wellington Messias | |
My Projects:
Cable tester of computers First version, fully manual |
Cable tester of computers digital version This is my first project after several years away from the electronics assembly was developed using common CMOS IC's, all tested in protoboard, the construction itself was divided into modules. |
Logic level prober Simple tester indicating the logical level through LEDs and injector pulse digital |
Board tests for control by the PC parallel port This board was set up to test the signals present on the PC parallel port, to facilitate connecting routes with protoboard and allow other simpler tests. |
Remoto Serial 1.1 Beta (for PIC16F877A) Program for the PIC to operate remotely by commands from the PC via the serial See the new page Project Remoto Serial To the program Remoto Serial PC see in Computer / My utilities |
Websites of forum ASM51 participants |
Several Projects |
Links about LCDs |
Manufacturers and other sites where to find datasheets |
Electronics for computers |
Magazines, Forun and other interest sites |